ENGLISH   ქართულად
“Child Has The Right To Be Protected From The Embryo”
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2006   2007   2008
2009   2010   2011
2012   2013   2014
2015   2016   2017
2018   2019   2020
2021   2022   2023

2005   2006   2007
2008(1)   2008(2)
2009(1)   2009(2)
2010(1)   2010(2)
2011(1)   2011(2)
2012(1)   2012(2)
2013(1)   2013(2)
2014(1)   2014(2)
2015(1)   2015(2)
2016(1)   2016(2)
2017(1)   2017(2)
2018(1)   2018(2)
2019(1)   2019(2)
2020(1)   2020(2)
2021(1)   2021(2)
2022(1)   2022(2)
2023(1)   2023(2)
2024(1)   2024(2)

2006   2007   2008
2009(1)   2009(2)
2010(1)   2010(2)
2011(1)   2011(2)
2012(1)   2012(2)
2013(1)   2013(2)
2014(1)   2014(2)
2015(1)   2015(2)
2016(1)   2016(2)
2017(1)   2017(2)
2018(1)   2018(2)
2019(1)   2019(2)
2020(1)   2020(2)
2021(1)   2021(2)
2022(1)   2022(2)
2023(1)   2023(2)
2024(1)   2024(2)


Conference Photo
2008   2009(1)   2009(2)
2010(1) 2010(2)


TV-1   TV-2

Arts and Humanities
Academy Photo

2007   2008   2009   2010
care for health of mothers, children and adolescents and protection of their social conditions – a noble mission – appears to be main motive pivot of protection social pediatrics and precondition and precondition for establishment authority in the shortest time.
Distinguished representatives in different spheres of medicine and science occupied in the Fund systematically carry on charitable actions for social provision end medical assistance of the population.
The Fund follows the motto: “Healthy family and healthy generation; preparation of women for future maternity ”. The activities of the Fund are the following:
- medicinal – prophylactic inspection;
- legalization of monthly free of charge single service in the three leading clinics of Tbilisi;
- Consultation of leading experts in #3 Children Polyclinic and Diagnostic Centre for mothers and Children. The Fond has held the following conferences:
- “A healthy child – peaceful Caucasus”
- “Child has the right to protected since the embryo”
- “Today economical trends in pediatrics and its perspectives”
- “Treatment of children in the XXI century”
- “Children nutrition in the XXI century”.
- At present the following programs are in the process of realisation:
- pharmaceutical program “Children’s nourishment”
- “Orthopedic school”
- “Immune-genetic centre and free of charge perinatal centre for newborns”
- Epidemiological programs, etc.
The Fund has produced the first Georgian nutritional additions: Apivit, Apicon, Apipini, Apipikno and ecological pure tonic drinks “Iveriuli”.
One who wishes to take part in the realization of these programs, please, apply to the Board of administration of the Fund of Protection of Social Pediatrics.

Euroscience Georgian National Section


International Fund The World Security And Child

2007   2008   2009
2010   2011   2012
2013   2014   2015
2016   2017   2018
2019   2020   2021
2022   2023   2024

2021   2022-2024

2021   2022-2024

Corporate Social Responsibility
Social Activitie

Sport - Med - EDU
